A Travellerspoint blog

Banglore Blue's


overcast 25 °C




Finally the day of departing this wonderful town comes near and i feel a sense of the blue’s . I had my final meeting of the day with Shraddha of yourstory.com and then was whisked away by the DTZ Property team to see a couple of more properties in Indra Nagar , which is one of the most up market areas of the city I liked what i saw but was not able to make up my mind . It started to rain as usual and the cloud’s came up .I could see the rain pelting all around me ,it was wonderful and was lost in the musky haze of the city. I got a taste of Banglore traffic for the first time man it is a bitch. “ you know i always think how difficult must be for wealthy people to manage all their assets , they must be getting all confused , what with all the day to day decisions one has to make.” i gasped to Shachi . “ I agree but then they have managers and secretaries to manage their wealth and you do need some trust worthy people around you .” Trust well that is a limited commodity in today’s time . My eyes rolled towards the window as the traffic passé by .

Bangolore the Garden city , The Lake City , The Temple City the Indian silicon valley , i saw it in all it’s Avatar . From it’s temples to it’s gardens i aquatinted myself with the property market of the city , it’s Startup culture , it’s travel portal’s and it’s food . I enjoyed the ambience the weather and also managed to catch a movie with my cousin’s .

It is a city that i want to come back to again , but haven’t i said the same about every other city i was in . I wanted to settle down in Honk Kong and Singapore last . That’s the fun of this journey you never really know where you are going . An Unknown current has taken over and i am riding on the wave. The rain is still on and some thunder can be heard now . Dhar has briefed me on his task for the next month and i am satisfied that i am headed in the right direction . My Tickets are booked and bag’s are packed as i bid farewell to Bangeluru ….

Posted by Anuj Tikku 08:09 Archived in India Tagged temple pub property banglore

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